Free in Christ

After meeting God in 2019, He began speaking to us about the neglected and unloved of society. Here in Dubai, UAE, that specifically means children with special needs.

Danielle had been working in the field of special needs, specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder, since 2012. She had witnessed first hand the way these children were treated not only by unknowing parents,  but also by those who should have known better – the professionals.

God spoke to us about opening a non-profit organisation where these children, the neglected of society, could come and receive the quality treatment they needed, but most importantly, they could come and receive love.

The vision was to provide worldwide standard ABA Therapy, with highly trained professionals, who love Jesus. For families that were unable to afford the help they desperately needed, we would sponsor their child’s treatment.

Our journey of establishing Eleutheria Center started with this dream – a safe haven for the children of society that were deemed unworthy of the same love that the rest of the world receive.

We opened Eleutheria Center with the belief that we are all made equally, without differentiation. It was from this belief that we were fuelled to treat every child as our own and show them the same love, dedication, care and passion as if they were actually our own.

It is through showing this agape love, which only comes by faith, that we can help these lost children.

At Eleutheria Center we offer comprehensive treatment to help people of determination achieve the quality of life they deserve. We believe there is no mountain too high, and no obstacle that cannot be overcome.

We are convinced that there is no person we cannot help and no barrier that cannot be broken down. We are dedicated to serving our community and helping each and every individual rise up to be who God truly created them to be.