Christian home to rest for missionaries

Hebrews 13:1-5

We know life as a missionary can be challenging. It is never easy to lay down your life in order to go forth and share the gospel, to go and serve the orphans and widows of society.

We welcome you to our Missionary Retreat.

It is our absolute pleasure to offer up our home for missionaries to come and stay, and to be ministered to. You are welcome to stay with us and take advantage of our location in the heart of Dubai, UAE. We are only a short walk from a public beach and you can enjoy the peaceful opportunity to sit, relax and be part of a community that hungers for more of God’s manifest presence every week. From joining our Bible studies, to joining our prayer meetings, or simply partaking in our community meals, you will be welcome to join us.

Outside of enjoying our home, taking advantage of the location and ministry, you are also welcome to come and spend time with the autistic children we help as part of our freedom project, Eleutheria Center.  If you want to partake by simply playing or sitting and praying, you are welcome to experience what the love of Jesus is doing for these children and families.

Please use the below application form to enquire about staying with us. We do not have a set fee for staying with us, we just ask for a contribution towards bills and food (you are welcome to eat with us etc) as you can afford.

We look forward to glorifying Jesus with you in this wonderful location God has blessed us with.

Eloy & Danielle Rodriguez

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