Intercession Dubai2023-01-03T12:57:59+00:00
Intercession dubai

“Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen on your walls; they will never be silent, day or night.
There is no rest for you, who remind the Lord.

Do not give him rest until he establishes and makes Jerusalem the praise of the earth.”
Isaiah 62:6-7

There is a special calling for the children of God to spend time in intercessory prayer. The apostle Paul guides us in 1 Timothy 2:1-4 to spend time interceding and praying over all people and especially over the leaders of the country in which we reside in. This is why we have a heart to see more Intercession in Dubai. We also see in Job 42:8 that God is moved by the prayers of those who walk with Him. Because of this we believe that it is our role as God’s children to pray over and for others.

This includes praying for our country, our leaders, the church, and individuals within the community. As such, at Eleutheria Community we ensure to spend time dedicated in prayer over the nation God has placed us in, as well over those individuals who He lays on our hearts.

We believe the most important aspect of intercessory prayer is to make certain we are praying in alignment with God’s current will (1 John 5:14, Matthew 6:9-13, Phillipians 1:9). Therefore, instead of aimlessly spending time interceding over what we think God wants, we instead dedicate our intercessory time to waiting on the Lord for clear direction. We choose to seek Him first, asking for His leading and guidance.

Therefore, we are a prayer team that has only one plan; to hear the Lord’s heart for His people, and then act accordingly.

Come and join us by attending our Prayer & Worship services and experience touching the heart of God for yourself.

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