Hebrews‬ ‭7:18-19‬ ‭

“So the previous command is annulled because it was weak and unprofitable (for the law perfected nothing), but a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.” ‭‭

“Following the law was weak and unprofitable” when people try to follow an organized system to avoid the wrath of God and receive the blessing of God, it does nothing for us. It is weak and unprofitable.‬‬ The book of Deuteronomy clearly outlines the blessings to be obtained if the people follow the rules of the Torah, and it also states the curses that will come unto those who fail to uphold the banner. Following rules and strategies will always fail; because the flesh is weak, it is rebellious, and it naturally defies leadership. The fall of man is based on the desire to know and have power and judgment (to see the difference between good and bad), and while we are still within the corrupt bodies, those internal wrestlings between flesh and Spirit are there. This is why Paul continually warns us throughout His letters about buffeting and training the body and standing steadfast until the end.

Today many Christians follow step-by-step processes to either be saved (go to heaven) or to receive blessing and favor from God. It is, in essence, a form of the law because they believe that acting in specific ways or processes will yield a reward. This mindset, my friend, is still a form of law.

Our new hope is that through Christ Jesus and His split Blood, we can now draw near to God. Being near to God and standing in the knowledge that we are His sons and daughters, despite what the world says, is where we hope. We strive to have a deeper relationship with God. We hope to know God more and more.