“Therefore, since the promise to enter his rest remains, let us beware that none of you be found to have fallen short.” Hebrews‬ ‭4:1‬

ὑστερέω (hystereō) is translated into the phrase “to have fallen short‭”. The author of this letter is hammering home the importance of taking hold of salvation and he is now moving on to the rest available to us through Christ Jesus. But let us understand what this “rest” or κατάπαυσις (katapausis) is, the direct translation of this word is to put to rest – the calming of winds, it is also translated as the resting place promised by God in the eternal dwelling place still to come.

What I want to hone in on, is the calming of winds. The story that comes to mind is when Jesus was asleep on the boats and disciples were panicking, worried they would die so they awoke Him. When they did, Jesus calmed the storm and the winds died down. This is what our walk with the Lord starts to look like as we learn to rest in Him. The storms around us can die down and what felt like a threat is no longer scary or endangering because we have learnt to rest in Him. The world no longer affects us.

But take note of hystereō, this word often links to people talking to Jesus about what they need to do to enter the kingdom of heaven, He then discusses the hard parts of following Him. Such as selling all you have and leaving your family, which is why so many fall short. If you choose to hold onto the things of the world, you can not have Him calm the storms of the world. You have chosen to hold onto them which is why you are not able to enter His rest.