“He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was in all God’s household.” Hebrews‬ ‭3:2‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Jesus was faithful to everything the Father asked Him to do. He did not disobey or sway to the right or the left of the path which God had set for Him. He showed us complete obedience and submission to the ultimate will of God. The author brings to memory Moses, who was in a similar position, a foreshadow of Christ.

Moses was obedient to God in leading the Hebrew people out of Egypt, presenting himself before the Pharaoh to lead the people through the desert and teaching them the ways of the Lord. But Moses stumbled when he hit the rock for water twice instead of talking to it (Numbers 20). Like all of fallen nature, we can try our best to walk upright, but all men will sin and stumble.

Today, we know that Jesus was not like Moses, He was better in that He was fully faithful and upright before the Lord. So much so that He is accepted as the perfect lamb who takes away the sins of the world! Moses led a people out of slavery. Jesus leads the whole world out of the punishment of sin!

What an amazing Lord and God we have. So today, reflect on the fact that Jesus was appointed by God and He was under perfect submission to the Lord. You are appointed by Jesus to go forth and be the salt of the earth, are you now walking in faithfulness to the One who appointed you?