Hebrews‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭

“For we have become participants in Christ if we hold firmly until the end the reality that we had at the start.” ‭‭‬‬

Revelations 2:1-7 rings to mind over this scripture; it is all too common for people to start their walk with Jesus with excitement, vigour & eagerness all to have it dwindle & fade out as time goes on. Keenness in attending Bible studies, prayer meetings, and looking for opportunities to serve & help those in need all start to trickle away until there is barely any attendance at a weekly church gathering.

The author is reminding us of the same warning Jesus gives to John in the book of Revelations, that we must hold onto our love & fervour for all things to do with God to attain the fullness of salvation available through Christ Jesus. To be a participant in Christ means to join with Him in the new body & the resurrection after the death of this fallen creation. It is to be joined to Him & therefore, be under His covering & be washed from the sin that plagues all humanity. It is to enjoy in the fullness of joy, love & peace that only come from Him. The fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) are what we get to enjoy of Him during this life & they are wonderful.

Take note today that the fruits with which we get to enjoy because of our union with Christ Jesus are based on us holding on and being consistent until the day we meet Him. Today reflect on the start of your journey with God, do you still chase Him with the same fervour as you did, or has your hunger for Him been snuffed out with the things of the world?