Hebrews‬ ‭2:6-8 ‭

 “But someone somewhere has testified: What is man that you remember him, or the son of man that you care for him? You made him lower than the angels for a short time; you crowned him with glory and honor and subjected everything under his feet…” ‭‭

There are a lot of Christians who almost see God like a magic genie. That God’s sole purpose is to answer their prayers and make their lives successful and comfortable. Their success is the sign that God is therefore real. However, this is terrible doctrine and in one sentence the author highlights this: “What is man that you remember him”.


Just stop and think, the almighty God that made the whole universe and everything inside of it with just a Word cares for you and for me. It is beyond comprehension that a Being so great and mighty would care about us so small and insignificant. Not only are we small and insignificant, as a species, we are single handily destroying the beauty of God’s creation! Yet, He still loves us and cares for us.


Now that we are humbled by remembering how small we are compared to God, we can shift our focus to Jesus. How He came to be lowered down to our level and due to His status as a man, He could be acceptable before God as the perfect sacrifice. This is why He is now crowned with glory and honour. But, more importantly everything is now under His feet. Everything obviously still does not fall under the rule and reign of Jesus, this means that we are still awaiting for this fulfilment. The author is framing our future hope for the day when everything comes under the authority of God.


Today make sure you remember your true position and then refocus your adoration onto the One who will have full, full reign and glory upon Him, Jesus.