Hebrews‬ ‭2:15-16‬ ‭

And free those who were held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death. For it is clear that he does not reach out to help angels, but to help Abraham’s offspring.

How is it clear that Jesus came to help Abraham’s offspring and not angels? Because He chose to come to earth as a man, not an angel. If His heart’s desire was to redeem the fallen angels then He would have had to come as an angel to save the angels. But, Jesus came down as a man, in order to save and redeem fallen mankind. Through His helping hand, the author reminds us that we are now free from the bondage with which humanity is plagued by; death. 


That innate fear of death is fuelled by a fear of the unknown. What happens after death? That fundamental fear, when you get to the root of it, is a knowledge that there is some judgement awaiting everyone. Everybody knows that throughout their lives they were not exactly good people so they therefore, hide and run from the inevitable death and judgment that comes to all of us.


BUT, for us who have faith in Jesus we are now free from the fear of death. Why? Because we know that when we die, our sins have been atoned for by our High Priest; Jesus. We no longer need to fear death, but as Paul talks about in his letters, we embrace and look forward to it. Why? Because when we die we know that is when we will inherit our new bodies and be complete in continual fellowship with our Lord Jesus. We will be amongst saints worshiping around the throne.


So today, sit and ponder, do you still fear death? If you do, then ask God to do a work in your heart to remove that fear. For in Christ Jesus, we are free from the fear of death!!!!