“Don’t be led astray by various kinds of strange teachings; for it is good for the heart to be established by grace and not by food regulations, since those who observe them have not benefited. We have an altar from which those who worship at the tabernacle do not have a right to eat. For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the most holy place by the high priest as a sin offering are burned outside the camp. Therefore, Jesus also suffered outside the gate, so that he might sanctify the people by his own blood.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:9-12‬ ‭CSB‬‬

In the Mosaic Law, the priests used an animal to pay for the sin/guilt atonement of people. The priest treated the animal being sacrificed differently compared to the other offerings. The priest would only utilise the blood and fat; unlike the other offerings, the body was not to be used. It was to be discarded and burnt outside of the camp. In the Mosaic Law, God highlights the importance of blood. It is only the sprinkled blood of an innocent animal with which our sins can be paid for and removed. The body was not to be eaten (unlike the other offerings where the body was allowed to be eaten); it was to be taken outside of the camp and burnt.  The author of the letter is pointing out two critical points for us; firstly, do not be led astray by various strange teachings (such as the belief that communion is eating the body of Jesus or that your sanctification is established through eating in a certain way), and secondly, a reminder of the sanctification power of the spilt blood of Jesus.

Jesus’s blood was spilt in Jerusalem, and the Gospels show it was spilt on seven different occasions during His death (read Leviticus 4:1-12), the garden of Gethsemane, when he was beaten and ridiculed before the Sanhedrin, during His lashes, when the crown of thorns was placed upon His head, during the piercing of His hands, when His feet were nailed and finally when the spear went into His side. Seven times His blood was sprinkled unto the Earth as part of His death. Seven times the blood of the sacrificial animal was to be sprinkled unto the altar. Jesus’s body was crucified outside the camp, away from the Holy City of Jerusalem, on the Golgotha hill. We now understand further how Jesus is our Passover lamb. The suffering servant which the Jewish people are still waiting for was Jesus. Through His innocent blood being spilt in the way it was spilt and His body being treated in the way it was treated, we know that our sins are atoned, which is why we do not need to believe or be led astray by any various strange teachings. Our salvation is made complete only by the spilt blood of Jesus.

It is then through understanding the Blood of Jesus that our hearts are established in grace. The guilt of sin committed no longer torments us, and we can now go forth and sin no more. We are set on the grace of God, who took away our sins through the split blood of the man who did not sin (Jesus), allowing us to walk in continual fellowship with Him. We do not rely on religious systems, religious buildings or special altars. No, we understand the Blood of Jesus was all that was needed, and that is enough for us to be set free.

Today, glorify God that Jesus’s Blood was spilt for you. Castaway nonsense teachings and walkway from religious systems. Embrace the fellowship with God and walk with Him in His family.