“Marriage is to be honored by all and the marriage bed kept undefiled, because God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterers. Keep your life free from the love of money. Be satisfied with what you have, for he himself has said, I will never leave you or abandon you.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:4-5‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Through the story of mankind and God there has always been two big corruption points for humanity; a love for money and pleasures of the flesh. David sinned grievously against the Lord through the desires towards Bethsheiba and King Hezekiah stumbled because of pride of the possessions that God had blessed Him with. We see in the gentile world people work endlessly in the pursuit of purchasing the latest gadget or fashion item. There is more pride in the condition of people’s houses compared the state of their spiritual health. Men boast over their accomplishments with woman instead of their works of faith for the Lord. Woman are driven to stand in power and authority instead of humbling themselves to serve (and following the example of the Godly women in the Bible). People are more concerned about what fashion brands they are wearing compared to showing the world the fruits of a holy life. There is more excitement over the latest communication and there is no interested in fellowshipping with God. The ways of the world are very dark indeed and is contrary to ways of Adonai.

As people who have decided to walk with Jesus, we must keep the pollution of the world out of our midsts. Jesus says we can serve two lords, we will either serve God or we will serve money. This is why the author reminds us to keep our lives free from it. When you do not love something you are very happy to give it away, in fact, if you do not love something you do not even keep it in your midsts. I have never heard of someone hoarding Brussel sprouts, and to this day I have yet to meet someone who loves them! Do you see? A love of money will still have you hoarding it and not being free in using it in the way the Word directs us. The resources God blesses us with, should be used to build His kingdom and to help the broken hearted in society. In the same He used His resources (His Son) to help us who was broken we too must use what have to help those who are broken. It is the same foundation with our marriages. The Bible often describes the walk with God as a marriage and our marriages on Earth should resemble our walk with God; one of pure dedication to the one we are committed. It means staying loyal to our spouse no matter what. When the environment gets challenging we do not abandon and run away to the next available relationship, we do not look for comfort from someone outside of our marriage. No, we instead focus on staying loyal and working with the person we are committed. When we behave like this we are starting to represent to the world a relationship with God, it is free from idolatry (no looking or going to other men or women) and there is unity (husband and wife work together as two become one). We must remember, the way we live our lives represents our relationship with God to the world around us who still needs salvation.

Walking like this is indeed hard I hear you say, but this is why the author reminds us of what God says. He will never leave or abandon us! When God is your joy and your comfort you do not have to fear or crave the things of the world, why? Because, God is all that you will ever need. That divine time of intimacy with Him every day is more important than anything else. Today remember He will never leave you and therefore, you do not need to live like the world around you.