“Let brotherly love continue. Don’t neglect to show hospitality, for by doing this some have welcomed angels as guests without knowing it. Remember those in prison, as though you were in prison with them, and the mistreated, as though you yourselves were suffering bodily.” Hebrews‬ ‭13:1-3‬ ‭CSB‬‬

The brotherly love that flows from Christians is so important because when the none Christian world sees the love that flows amongst Christians, it showcases the truth of the Gospel. When master, servant, ruler and slave are all sitting around the same table sharing the same bread and cup, it shows a unification and love beyond what the world’s social structures allow or can even perceive. This unity and equality, irrespective of social status or passport, must be a focal point in our daily walk. We should be checking ourselves to ensure that regardless of nationality or outward appearance, we are not discriminating or treating them differently; instead, treating them as we wish to be treated. When I see Christians who gather only in their social group or nationality, it makes my heart mourn because they are yet to experience the unifying brotherly love that comes from yielding yourself fully to Christ. If you have just recognised that you are biased in your fellowship and the way you treat others, I recommend that you read 1 Peter 1:22 and let the verse speak to you as to why you do not yet show brotherly love.

Once we have grasped the basic concepts of brotherly love, it empowers us to then move on to the next set of guidelines, which is to show hospitality. The author says that you may host angels without knowing it. You never honestly know who you might encounter when you offer hospitality to people. We should be willing to open our doors to people and especially those who are in need. Jesus says in Matthew 25:31-40 that when we help and welcome those in need, it is as if we do it to our Lord Jesus Himself! That is more so reason to ensure that we are being hospitable. In a world with so much segregation (especially in the Middle East), and it is considered normal to give scraps to those considered below you, we must be the light in this darkness. We must step out into uncomfortable situations and love those the world rejects. Our faith in Jesus will pour out care, and love like the world has never seen before. We must let our faith get to work in demonstrating the  We must let our faith work in demonstrating the self-sacrificial love that Jesus pours out freely. As we then look to love equally those who are unloved by the world and we show unity amongst our fellowships, we then move on to our intercessions. There are Christians who are suffering in prisons (even as you read this) because of their faith and their refusal to deny our Lord Jesus Christ. They are suffering so that you may not have to, for we are one body, unified through the Blood of Jesus. They are suffering on your behalf. There is a documentary called the insanity of God. I recommend you dedicate time to watching it this weekend and let the Holy Spirit do His works in you. It helped me understand verse 3 and step into interceding, praying and mourning for those who are being mistreated because of their faith.

Today there was a lot about brotherly love and how that love allows us to grow and showcase it in the world. I commission you to let the brotherly love grow in you to the point that you naturally start showing the love of Jesus to the world.