”But if you are without discipline — which all receive  — then you are illegitimate children and not sons.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:8‬ ‭CSB‬‬

It is a scary thought; most Christians run away from being disciplined, corrected or accepting advice on how to live their lives. Yet the Scriptures say if you are without discipline, then you are not children of God. When I first read the letter to the Hebrews, I cried to God,” Please discipline me! I want to be a legitimate child of God. Give me your correction; I need it!!”. The question today is, do you run from discipline? Do you avoid those who point out the Biblical errors in your life and walk with God? Do you neglect to act when God tells you to do things? Do you openly choose to ignore the rules of the country/business/house you are under? If so, why? People who are never corrected or humble enough to receive correction are not children of God. Even pastors need to be honest about their corrections. If Paul, the apostle, was open about his corrections with God, what makes a pastor think he is above reproach? My dear, we all must receive correction and discipline; without it, we are simply one of those many Christians who Jesus warns us about.

As I write today, my heart breaks for the many people we have met who have run away from being disciplined. The human body does not like being told it is wrong or flawed. People in today’s world like to believe they are perfect and correct all of the time. Society tells us we are all okay just as we are. There is no need to change or try harder to become someone better. Just stay as you are; it is okay. We accept you. Sadly this is a foundation straight out of the mouth of satan, birthed in the very pit of hell designed to bring as many people into eternal punishment. The Bible tells us the opposite; we must change into a holy people. We must fall under authority and respect the rules laid out before us. There is a clear standard expected from the children of God. We must be a light in the darkness. All of this is entirely impossible in the body, which is why we receive the indwelling presence and power of the Holy Spirit. He makes it possible for us to walk out the difficult narrow path.

Today I ask you to cry out to God to be humble enough to accept discipline. Learn to embrace the correction and chastisement of the church. Without it, you are not a child of God and, therefore, destined on the wide popular path to eternal destruction.