“And make sure that there isn’t any immoral or irreverent person like Esau, who sold his birthright in exchange for a single meal. For you know that later, when he wanted to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, even though he sought it with tears, because he didn’t find any opportunity for repentance.”‭‭ Hebrews‬ ‭12:16-17‬ ‭CSB‬‬

If you look at Esau, you see the prime example of an alpha male. He was a skilled hunter, and he did what he wanted. He married who he wanted based on the desires of the flesh, and he lived to further himself. There was a small army of men who followed him, and he was someone who people feared. To most people, he would be considered impressive and someone to look up to. This respect is especially true when you compare him to his twin brother Jacob, who was known more for staying at home and being a mummies boy. He got duped by his uncle and worked as a shepherd, and was rather quiet-spoken in comparison. But it was Jacob who was walking with God. The walk with God will have you looking and behaving very differently than the world expects. Because of this difference, we, as the Body of Christ, must operate differently. We must maintain holiness and disconnect people who choose to be like Esau.

As followers of Jesus, we must keep in the front of our minds the mistake of Esau. Esau sold his birthright (inheritance) to have a simple meal (instant gratification). He was unwilling to be without for a little bit longer, and he needed that stew right there and then. Because of his impatience, there was no longer any further opportunity for that inheritance. Earlier in the letter to the Hebrews, the author highlights not choosing a life of sin, for, with it, there is no longer an atonement for your sins. You can not continually re-crucify Christ Jesus, which happens when you consciously choose to walk into corruption. This point is so crucial for us to remember; the reason people choose sin is that they are, like Esau, choosing instant gratification instead of a little bit more patience. Esau, who had the birthright to the whole inheritance, had but to walk or wait a little bit longer, and he could have eaten the family meal or asked a servant to prepare a meal, but he wanted something now, so he gave up his inheritance in exchange. When you choose a life of sin, you make the same exchange. Instead of choosing to endure in the knowledge that there is an eternal reward coming, you are choosing to have instant gratification in your flesh by indulging in the corruption of the world. You then decide to be like Esau and throw away your inheritance for that instant gratification.

My dear reader, it is called the simple gospel for a reason. As Jesus our Messiah says, die to self, forsake the things of the world, pick up your cross and follow him. To not be like Esau, you must be ready to choose death over sin and corruption. Because once you have died to your life here on earth (because you are living for heaven and to glorify God), the temptation of sin no longer has power over you; you no longer sell your inheritance to receive a short-term reward. My dear, today, determine that you will not throw away your inheritance in Christ Jesus.