“By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was made from things that are not visible.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:3‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Today I have a real-life challenge for you. Try to make something with your breath. With an exhalation from your mouth, go and see what you can make.

The best I could do was to create a patch of fog on some glass with which I could, for a fleeting moment, write something. But that did not last long at all. With just an exhalation, we really can not create anything at all. Now go read Genesis chapter 1. God made everything from just an exhalation of His mouth. There was no process of making, designing or building, just an utterance. Just stop and reflect on that fact. With your word, you can create absolutely nothing. Yet, with God’s declaration, He made the whole universe. We are but an exhalation of His mouth. Are you starting to feel small and humble yet?

We have faith that God created everything with just His breath. This faith should bring reverence and a holy fear of the Lord. If you have grasped the reality of creation and the confidence that comes from that, it will drive you to a deeper level of love with God. Why? Because if you believe in the grandness of God that His word says, you start to appreciate and love dearly this God who freely chooses to come as a man and die in your place. He could have just said another word and started again. Instead, He decides to go through pain and punishment to redeem you. Do you see it now? What a beautiful God we have, and because we understand this, we freely choose to serve Him and His kingdom.

Today reflect and assess, are you humble and respectful before God? Do you truly understand that He created everything with just an utterance? If so, do you treat God with respect, or do you still come to Him like a spoilt child lacking respect and reverence? True faith brings a certain level of humility, respect, reverence, love and fear of God, which results in a changed life. The type of changed life is about to be highlighted through the rest of Chapter 11. Today think about your relationship with God. Do you have a Godly fear and respect, or are you still being a spoilt child? Today is the day to mature and grow up, leave the spiritual milk behind and step into a juicy spiritual steak.