“These all died in faith, although they had not received the things that were promised. But they saw them from a distance, greeted them, and confessed that they were foreigners and temporary residents on the earth. Now those who say such things make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they were thinking about where they came from, they would have had an opportunity to return. But they now desire a better place — a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:13-16‬ ‭CSB‬‬

If you have not read the last seven devotionals, I recommend starting by reading them before moving on to this devotional. It would also be good practice to re-read Hebrew 11:1-13 as it will help refreshen the context on which today’s devotional is based. The patriarchs “all died in faith”. To die in faith means that when they died, they did not yet see or receive the things they believed in or were promised by God. The faithful children of God have their faith and belief set on the promise they will not yet see until they die; the resurrection and new Jerusalem where our King Jesus is the ruler and His Presence is everywhere. Living in a city where the lion, the lamb and the toddler lie together, illness has no dominion and hunger is long forgotten. Their faith was in a future that they did not receive. This hope is why God was happy to be called their God, it is because of this correct heart posture that God was with them.

The question for you to wrestle with today is; what is your faith in? Do you live as if you are a foreign and temporary resident on earth? Do you make it clear in your life that you are longing and seeking to go home to your Father in heaven and live in His city? What is the primary demonstration of your faith?

For some people, their faith is built upon receiving blessings here on Earth, living for this life to establish success in the homeland they are currently living. This goal is not the faith that makes God stand up as your God.

For others, their faith is built upon the belief they are or will be heavily anointed and perform miracles, healing and deliverance from demonic. They live to showcase God’s power, which is what their faith is in. This is not the faith that makes God stand up as your God.

For some, their faith is built upon a system, and through that system, they are accepted in the world. If they are a part of this church or community or religion, they have friends, family and business networks. The participation or joining of a religious circle brings that comfort we are all longing for. The priority is to remain within the religious system and not stand with God because faith is in the belief salvation comes through the church. This is not the faith that makes God stand up as your God.

The faith that makes God stand up as your God is when you blindly follow His voice without questioning what will happen in the temporary world in which we live. This faith leads you to live purely for Him, and, therefore, you will let go of the things of the world. A life where you discard the burdens the world demands you have, and you focus on doing His work and His will for you. A life where you do not hope for things on this Earth, but you concentrate on the eternal reward of His Presence. This goal, my friend, is the faith that makes God stand up and not be ashamed to be called your God.