“By faith even Sarah herself, when she was unable to have children, received power to conceive offspring, even though she was past the age, since she considered that the one who had promised was faithful. Therefore, from one man — in fact, from one as good as dead — came offspring as numerous as the stars of the sky and as innumerable as the grains of sand along the seashore.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:11-12‬ ‭CSB‬‬

You would have established that a proper Biblical walk with God will not be easy. It will be challenging and have trials that require faith to overcome. There is a requirement for actions that demonstrate your dedication, and our lives must start to resemble someone who knows and walks with God. Today, we will see how the author unlocks the ability to achieve with one statement; “the one who has promised was faithful.”

The key to overcoming the trials of faith that will come is to remember that the one who promised to you is faithful. He will fulfil what He said to you, and He said in His word about His church. Jesus tells us not to worry about food, money or clothing but to focus on heaven. And not fear, for if God our Father clothes the flowers in the field, how much more will He clothe us? No matter our situation, those essentials of life, He will provide for us because that is what He promised. Now note that this is important. Do not pull a promise out of context. Clothes are clothes, and food is food. We do not need to have Rolex’s and fancy cars or houses or gourmet dining. That is the promise of the world; if you work hard and keep on hustling, you will one day have all this luxury and wealth. God’s promise to His children is to focus on Him and not to worry about the mundane things of the world. He will sort it out. If He is the one who then sorts it out, we humbly and gratefully accept what He gives us without stipulation of expectation of grandeur.

The next important step is to know what God has promised you specifically. Many people are walking around saying God has promised them something, and this is what they stand on even if everything around them is falling apart. Then one day, when they have lost everything, and all is forsaken, they realise that it was never God’s will, but it was their will, and they placed it upon God. This is why discernment and the actual Biblical body of Christ are so necessary because, without proper insight and humility to accept correction, there will be MUCH deception. The devil and his forces come to steal, kill and destroy and infiltrate the churches with much false prophecy. This false prophecy is then destroying people’s lives as they chase false promises that were never from God; when the false prophecy then does not come true, they become grumbled and walk away from Jesus. It is an abomination that must stop. As an individual, you must analyse what promise God has given you and then study the scripture to see if it aligns with God’s will and if you align with how the promise was given. For example, a promise to the king of Israel is not a promise to you as a member of the body of Christ. The promise of Deuteronomy’s blessing was based on a curse and the completion of the law to receive. The promise of being a super apostle with a colossal ministry and following of people was given to nobody, and it is, in fact, the opposite that is promised to those who are anointed as apostles.

I hope you now understand that it is so important to know what is truly God’s promise to you. Do not wildly accept every prophecy uttered over you because it sounds nice. It MUST align with the whole word of God. If someone prophesies in the name of Jesus and the prophesy does not come true, then they are a false prophet and should be challenged unto repentance or cast out. Standing on a promise that God will fulfil is based on you knowing God and His character intimately.