Hebrews 1:1

Long ago God spoke to our ancestors by the prophets at different times and in different ways.” ‭‭

As we dig into the Greek and Aramaic transcripts there is a deeper context than the English translation reveals. The original languages explain that each different way God revealed Himself to the prophets were all various pieces of a puzzle. Each revelation was unique, but if put together they bring a complete revelation of God.

One way to look at this is to imagine that the Old Testament is pieces of a puzzle, and when you put the pieces together you get a complete image which you can enjoy. In order to put a puzzle together it is easier if you know what you are building (hence why most puzzles come with a picture of the complete image to guide you), but a gifted person can complete a puzzle without knowing the final image. The author here is now pointing to us that the Old Testament contains fragments that build upon each other to bring a fulfilled picture. The start of the letter to the Hebrews is piecing together the various pieces to show us how the final picture (Jesus our Lord) is built upon the Old Testament, and thus how Jesus is the ultimate fulfilment of the Word and is worthy of all of the praise.

Today, take the time to reflect and ask God to reveal to you a new piece of Him which is found in the Old Testament, see if you can see Jesus in Genesis…

Read previous commentary on Introduction to the letter of Hebrews

Read next commentary on Hebrews 1:2