“For if we deliberately go on sinning after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries. Anyone who disregarded the law of Moses died without mercy, based on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much worse punishment do you think one will deserve who has trampled on the Son of God, who has regarded as profane the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:26-29‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Please reread the next portion of the Scripture. If you like to change to your favourite version, even better, read it in your native language and then come back here.

If you still do not understand, please reread the devotionals from day 221, as this is ESSENTIAL for your eternal salvation.

I am going to revisit the previous analogy of mobile phone operating systems. You have been upgraded to the better, perfect apple programming. However, there are still bugs. The phone still has not been perfected. Sometimes the apps crash, and you need to do a hard reset of the phone. These things sometimes happen. Or once in a while, the battery burns out, and you need to repair it. In the hard action-paced life of an apple phone, issues sometimes arise that need repair. The only place that can restore an Apple phone is Apple. The people who designed and built it. Apple did not create the phone to crash on you and burn out purposefully, it happens sometimes, and they will repair it for you. This repair opportunity is the same as our walk with God. We all sin; nobody is perfect. This is what the Scriptures tell us, and also, this is why we need a Savior. We need to be saved. When we encounter God, and He changes our hearts, it is no longer His intention that we slip up and make mistakes. Because He came as a man, He can sympathise with our weaknesses and pour out His grace.

So what does this all mean? An apple phone does not intentionally try to break and be useless. No, at its core, it is designed to be the perfect phone. As people who claim to know and follow God, we CAN NOT go around in willful sin. We all know it is wrong to lie, break our promises/commitments, take advantage of people, steal, have sexual relations outside of marriage, get drunk, swear and have idols in our lives. Therefore, we MUST not choose to have these behaviours in our lives. As people who claim to know God and to have been changed, these actions no longer exist as purposeful choices. Sometimes, we will make a mistake and swear when we hit our toes, but that is the beauty of our salvation. Wherever we are, we always have a gracious Savior who sympathises with our weaknesses. This forgiveness is why we never intentionally go around living in sin because we love and respect Jesus, who died, so we are no longer under the curse and power of sin. We can now freely choose to love Him and walk in His ways.

My friend, if you still choose to walk in sin, if you decide to walk in the ways of the world and ignore the straightforward walk of Jesus, then I beg you not to use His name. The harshest judgment and punishment will go to those who claim to be His children but do not know Him and take advantage of the Blood He spilt.

If you want to walk with God, choose to do it properly or decide not to do it at all.