“And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.” Hebrews‬ ‭10:24-25‬ ‭CSB‬‬

As we touched on yesterday, we discussed having unwavering faith and being able to endure the narrow path leading to the eternal reward of an intimate relationship with God our Father. Today the author is pointing us towards the actions required to succeed. For people who have faith in the Blood of Jesus, these points are ESSENTIAL actions we must look to do. These are actions that most people will struggle with and will fall away from. If you read on today, be prepared to be challenged but take them on point and take action in your life to ensure your faith endures to the eternal reward.

As Christians, we must work together and provoke each other into love and good works; if you want to walk with Jesus and secure eternal salvation, that means first being humble enough to receive challenges that will promote you to love people and to do good works that our faith requires (yes we are not saved by faith alone, faith without works is dead. If you do not believe me read the letter of James). If a brother or sister in Christ is challenging you on where you fall short in acts of love or good works, humble yourself to accept correction. Once you have received the discipline, then make a change and act accordingly. This action is what it means to be provoked into love and good works. Secondly, have faith in your knowledge of the scriptures and the character of Jesus to be able to challenge other Christians where they have fallen short in love and good works. If you see someone walking onto a path that is not the one Jesus lays out, it is not loving or caring to let them continue on the way to failure. Love is to correct and guide them if they are willing to be humbled and change.

Next, as Christians, it must be a priority for us to gather together as a family and to be encouraged in the Lord. Whether through prayer, worship, teaching, scripture study or communion (having a meal together), they must be a priority in our lives. When people stop focusing on attending activities which are centred around Jesus, guess what happens? Their lives become centred around something else… The most important commandment is to love God with all of your heart, mind and soul, which means He becomes the centre of your world. So we must hold each other accountable to continual fellowship with the saints. If you have found that you have become content with going to church once a week, I beg you to step back to God and hunger for continual fellowship. As we get closer and closer to the return of our Lord Jesus, it is ever more critical that we as saints commune and fellowship together.

In today’s world is not easy to be Christian. I would say of any time period, this is the most challenging era to walk on the narrow path of salvation. Due to this, it is even more critical that you can accept and give corrections. Regular and frequent coming together as saints are non-negotiable. Today decide to join a fellowship and commit to attending every gathering so that you can truly love God in word and action.