Galatians 6:15

“Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.”

What is the true gospel? What is the point Paul has been trying to reach throughout the letter of Galatians? This one thing – the new creation is what matters. You see, Christ did not just come to forgive our sins so that we could sit around in misery, complaining about our wretched sinfulness & the wickedness in this world.

Christ did not die & rise again so that we could live defeated, waiting for the rapture so we can one day be set free from the bonds of this life. Absolutely not. The gospel of Christ crucified is the good news that we are not born again, we are now a new creation. As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17, those who are in Christ are a new creation.

To be a new creation means that something absolutely new was established & built. Nothing of the old remains, something entirely new is brought into existence. This is the gospel, the true gospel & this is the point Paul has been trying to reach. Circumcision or uncircumcision, pentecostal or evangelical, missionary or stay-at-home mum. None of those things matter.

What matters is being made completely new in Christ.

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