‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:5-7‬ ‭

“You are being guarded by God’s power through faith for a salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time. You rejoice in this, even though now for a short time, if necessary, you suffer grief in various trials so that the proven character of your faith  — more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire  — may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

Today stop and reflect on what is most valuable in your life. Before I met with God, I held my work successes, car, clothes, watches and alcohol collection to a high value, and they were topics I was eager to boast about. Many people in the world, too, like to brag about similar things; others add their families and bank accounts to the foray. It must be different for those of us who the precious blood of the Lamb has purchased. We must cling to our faith. It is more valuable than gold and is refined by fire.

The process of refining gold is not quick or easy. It requires much heat, beating, cooling, heating, melting, beating, shaping, cooling… you get the idea. Purifying gold is not a smooth or easy journey for the gold being treated, but the result creates something beautiful. There is a reason the author uses the purification of gold as an example to the readers; it highlights well the process of our faith and our lives being purified before God.

When our lives and faith are being purified before the Lord, it brings seasons of yielding to His will, removing the toxins of the world that tarnish our shine before God. The seasons of purification are never easy. For followers of Jesus, they must be endured if we are to be the ones who worship before the throne at the time of His revelation to the world. As Peter directs us, we must rejoice in the trials that bring grief to our lives as they are the testimonies of faith that we must cling to.

It is not easy to get to that place of yield where you rejoice in the trials of faith. It takes fellowship with God and knowledge of His Holy Spirit to overcome. The walk of the faithful follower of Christ will bear the sweet fruit of suffering, and you must embrace the periods of peace and joy as seasons for growing your roots deep into the Lord.

As you grow deep roots in Jesus and His Word, it will give you the strength to cling to the hope of eternal salvation when it feels like all the forces of darkness are against you. Today identify which season you are in with the Lord. Are you in the season of rooting, or are you in a season of trial? Whichever season you are in, pick up your shield of faith and stand accordingly.

Make the efforts to dig deeper and stronger roots in Jesus by following Him and giving away the ways of the world, or make a choice to stand and rejoice in the trial of grief that may be before you. No matter your season, remember, through your faith in Jesus, the power of God will see you through to the end for the glory of Jesus on the final day.