“See to it that you do not reject the one who speaks. For if they did not escape when they rejected him who warned them on earth, even less will we if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven. His voice shook the earth at that time, but now he has promised, Yet once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:25-26‬ ‭CSB‬‬

The one who speaks is the blood of Jesus mentioned in verse 24; the One who speaks is Christ crucified. The person who is fully man but also fully God sacrificed Himself to pay the price that was owed because of the sin of the world. If the author is telling us that we can reject Him, we must remember that there must be a right and wrong way of following Christ. It is scriptures such as this or when in the Gospels, Jesus says that He rejects people even though they proclaim that they know Him and do His works, that drives home fear of the Lord into my heart. We must ensure that we truly know Jesus and that we walk in the ways that He tells us. As I mentioned yesterday, when we choose to walk in the ways of Jesus, the wrath of God, the shaking of the heavens and earth, will not affect us because we will be with Him in all of His glory and splendour.

When you understand that we have a personable God, that through His Holy Spirit we are in continual fellowship, and there is a correct way of walking with Him, it becomes ever more imperative that we spend our time following what He wants us to do. Whenever people take control of decisions, they put themselves in the place of God. The ways of God are apparent, to love Him with all of your being and to walk in His ways. If you do not ask Him which way He wants you to go, how will you know which way to go? Remember, God created EVERYTHING out of nothing; it was all from a breath or a word or an utterance. So, when God wants to live with you and guide you to what is best, why would you want to do anything apart from that? When we hear God give us a direction with what He wants, instead of complaining or questioning it, embrace it with joy because you are being given opportunities to be obedient to Him and, therefore, not reject His ways.

As you read, the author reminds us of the people in Exodus who could not escape disobedience from God. Even Moses was not granted access to the promised land due to his disobedience by striking the rock twice. The author then points out that if God on earth did not permit disobedience, how much worse would it be from heaven after He has sacrificed and spilt His blood? This rejection is so important to understand, the belief which most people support their faith on, “once saved, always saved!” or, “Jesus died, so I am fully forgiven, and it is okay I am allowed to stumble now and do what I want.” is utter nonsense. The word of God is telling us that we must not reject the ways of Christ; otherwise, we will not escape the coming shaking of the heavens and the earth.

Today ask God for more obedience in your life, listen to Him and then act on what He wants you to do. There is no greater joy than to be obedient to Jesus and walk in His statutes.