“And you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: My son, do not take the Lord’s discipline lightly or lose heart when you are reproved by him, for the Lord disciplines the one he loves and punishes every son he receives.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:5-6‬ ‭CSB‬‬

A terrible movement is spreading throughout society, birthed through the western churches. There is a belief that, as an individual, you are free to do whatever you want. There is no obligation to behave or act in a certain way according to the norms of society and humanity. It started in the churches with the birth of the grace movement, a belief that if they accepted and believed in Jesus without changing their lives, they would receive eternal salvation. All they had to do was believe. This freedom to sin and live in corruption which was born in the evangelical churches in America in 1986 and then exploded in 2001, has now manifested into American society as freedom for children to choose between genders, and the freedom has gone as far as to allow people to determine that they are a non-binary demon. This corruption is the reason the author of the letter is reminding us that discipline and correction are ESSENTIAL to a Christian walk. For, if there is no correction and discipline, the author foresaw what would happen to the church and, therefore, society.

It is one thing which continually confuses me; why do Christians walk around not being able to be corrected? Phrases such as, “you can not judge me”,  “you are too strict, I am free to do whatever you want”, or “that is just too extreme. What do you mean I have to behave differently” are common utterances from people’s mouths. People in today’s world want pastors who tell them everything is okay and who turn up to pray blessings over their lives and businesses. People do not want pastors who will correct, rebuke and guide them in the walk with God. I am sorry but read the letters in the Bible, and you will see that these pastors wrote letters filled with correction and rebukes! The Bible warns us of a time when people only want preaching that tickles their ears. I believe this time is here. Within the Christian community, there is no hunger for correction and discipline.

If you believe God loves you so much that His beloved Son, our Lord Christ Jesus, died for us, then you will have to accept the rest of the scripture that God will discipline and chastise you. It is an essential part of God’s love to be corrected. As Christians, we must be humble enough to receive it from wherever God chooses to send it. When people say, “only God can correct me or teach me”, I chuckle because these people have never received a factual correction from God. When God uses a pastor or elder to correct you, He is being merciful by using them. When you are corrected by God Himself, it brings an emotion that makes you understand why the people in Old Testament tore their clothes, threw ashes on their heads and prayed and fasted. God’s correction renders your heart and is painful as you then understand the severity of your errors. When God sends a pastor to correct you, you receive an example of correction through Christ Jesus, the servant leader’s love that brings a gentle rebuke with a modification to point you back in the right direction.

My dear brother and sister if you have read thus far, today reflect on the question; do accept correction or do you only want praise and blessing? The Bible tells us God blesses the righteous and unrightous. The Bible tells us God only disciplines and corrects those who are His children. God does not discipline those who are destined for eternal damnation. Today cry out to God and repent for the times you did not accept correction. Through repentance correct what was made wrong through your disobedience. Then ask God for a humble heart to accept correction.