“By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after being marched around by the Israelites for seven days. By faith Rahab the prostitute welcomed the spies in peace and didn’t perish with those who disobeyed.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:30-31‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Faith requires us to be obedient to the will and word of God. When God says jump, our response should be, “how high?”. When Joshua received the word about bringing down the walls of Jericho, Joshua just acted in faith. Can you imagine how unbelievable that order from God was? To walk around a wall and then on the seventh day to walk around seven times and then blow a horn. From this simple action, the city would become theirs. Being ex-military myself, if my commander had given such orders towards taking down a military stronghold, I would have grabbed my backpack and walked away from him, lunacy!

My friend, this is what the walk with God is about. In your daily life, ask Him for your orders, tactics and strategy. God’s way will always be better and easier to do than ours. As Christians, we must be obedient to God’s will. It is the beauty of our faith. Our faith gives us access to God our Father in heaven, and we can speak to Him and let Him guide us. We get the luxury of letting Him be God when we obey what He wants us to do. Most Christians stumble because they do not ask God how He wants them to do things. People run businesses in the ways the world teaches, but as Christians, we must pray and seek His voice for His direct method of operation. It will most likely be different to the world; why? Because the ways of man are foolish. As Christians, we must look to God for help in everything, and when we ask Him, we must seek His answer. When we get His directions (this can take time, so do not rush or act on the first thing that happens), we work in faith no matter how ridiculous the method appears. We operate in faith, trusting God and standing on the knowledge we can hear His voice because of the spilt blood of Jesus.

We then see the second type of faith in action with Rahab. She was standing in faith with those who you see God moving with. Rahab had no relationship or covenant with God. She was someone marked out for destruction due to the sins of the people she was with; furthermore, she was a prostitute and filled with sexual immorality. But, she saw God moving, and she decided to help and join the people by supporting and protecting them. Rahab chose to abandon her people to help those she deemed God was with. In people’s walks, we must be ready to move to where we see God moving (in alignment with His Bible, for there are many deceivers out there). Faith for new or non-believers will bring them to God through the action of God moving in a community. So as Christians, we must be honest. Do we see the God of the whole Bible moving genuinely in our community? It is through the movement of God amongst us that will bring people to follow Him.

Today make a stance to only move in the specific way God tells you to act. When you then proceed to reflect on your life and your community, do you all show signs of God amongst you to the point of bringing non-believers to God? Or do you all still look like every other community within the world?