“By faith he left Egypt behind, not being afraid of the king’s anger, for Moses persevered as one who sees him who is invisible. By faith he instituted the Passover and the sprinkling of the blood, so that the destroyer of the firstborn might not touch the Israelites. By faith they crossed the Red Sea as though they were on dry land. When the Egyptians attempted to do this, they were drowned.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:27-29‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Today I want to focus our attention on, “When the Egyptians attempted to do this, they were drowned.” I want to point you towards Acts 19:13-17. Please take a moment and read those few verses. What I would like to highlight today is; that just because you have seen others do and achieve something in Jesus’s name, it does not mean you will too.

The process of Moses developing an intimate relationship with God that saw the Red Sea part took 80 years (his approximate age) of fellowship. There were many trials of faith before this ranging from forsaking wealth, standing up against injustice, and many actions of faith to the institution of the Passover. This level of anointing took time to develop, and this is why, when the Egyptians attempted, they failed. They did not know the God of the universe or know His will for them. The same is true for the sons of Seva mentioned in Acts 19. They had seen what some had been able to do in the name of Jesus and when they tried… Well, they failed terribly.

In a walk with God, it can be all too easy to go around attempting to imitate what God has done through other people, but this imitation is how people’s faith gets torn down. Why? Because what they saw or heard about God doing through others they then expect to happen through them, when it then fails, they get disgruntled at God and lose faith. Here is the key takeaway, it is your relationship and walk with God. What God will do through you is based on what God wants, NOT what you want or what you saw God do through others. You must develop that intimacy with Him so that you know His will for you, and you can yield to His will and direction irrespective of what you think.

Today, stop imitating what others have done with God and be determined to get to know Him and let His voice guide you through life. When you are walking intimately with Him, He will always take you home to Him eventually. For this is our hope, eternal salvation and relationship with God