“By faith Noah, after he was warned about what was not yet seen and motivated by godly fear, built an ark to deliver his family. By faith he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:7‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Have you ever stopped and reflected on the story of Noah? Can you imagine for a minute having been in his shoes? Not only was he building a colossal boat far away from the ocean, but he was also claiming the water was about to come down from the sky (it had never rained before)!! He also went around proclaiming righteousness to a people so intertwined with sin that they had grieved God to regret that He had made them. Furthermore, it is not like there was other like Noah. No, he was alone on this mission. People in the world were too busy intermingling with demons to be concerned with the things of God (which are holiness, righteousness and justice). Can you even imagine how he must have felt? Most likely, he questioned if he was even hearing from God. Was he crazy? Doubting why nobody was responding to his message, it most certainly would not have been easy, that is for sure.

The faith of Noah is so relevant for us today; in Luke 17:26, Jesus warns us that when He comes back again, it will be like the times of Noah. There will be hardly anyone of true faith. In Luke 8:8, He even implies that He may not find anyone of true faith. As we get closer and closer to the day of the Lord, our walks can start to make us feel like Noah. Wondering, are you crazy? Are we even hearing from God? Wondering why everyone is so intermingled with demonic and worship idols, and they can not even see it. Preaching a message of righteousness and holiness, and yet everyone ignores us. I hope you understand now. The author highlights to us the faith of Noah because, in the final days, we will need faith like him to become an heir of the inheritance available to us through Jesus.

Today stop and reflect. Do you align with Noah, or do you align with the people who ignored Noah? Remember, there are only two outcomes in this case. People were saved and entered the ark, or they were cast aside for eternal punishment. There is no middle ground. Pick your side and stand in faith with those like Noah.