“But my righteous one will live by faith; and if he draws back, I have no pleasure in him. But we are not those who draw back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and are saved.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:38-39‬ ‭CSB‬‬

Today, understand this. Faith requires consistency. Despite good or bad, rich or poor, health or illness, if you are to be saved, you must be consistent in your journey with God.

It can be all too easy to praise and give thanks to God when things are going well in your life. The trial of faith in which you must be consistent is; can you continue to give praise and thanks to God when things are not going well? Do you only come to God when you need something and then thank Him when you succeed? Or are you humble enough to be consistent in walking with Him despite not having what you want? The critical point I am trying to drive home is if you are to be saved you must be consistent in your walk with God.

There is a Russian man I respect a lot, Sergey Shidlovskiy. He decided to follow the God of the Bible because of the book of Job. Sergey found it fascinating that this God was so impressive that even when a man’s life was turned entirely upside down and everything was taken from Job, he still praised and worshipped God. Sergey was inspired that there was a God he could get to know that was worthy of praise despite suffering. Today I challenge you, why did you decide to get to know the God of the Bible? For most people I speak to, it is to get a better life, for blessings, because they were raised in the church or the culture of where they are from. These reasons are not strong enough to stand the trials of faith that require endurance which the author of this letter is telling us. These reasons are the cause of people drawing back from their faith journey and losing their salvation.

When your faith is based on an expectation of receiving, it will always fail because you, as a mere human, have set the demands of success. Even the expectation of receiving anointing or power from God is weak and contrary to what the Bible teaches. As faithful followers of the faith, we must be willing to endure because our reward is knowing God our Father, and that is it. If our faith is built on receiving blessings, miracles, prophecies, signs and wonders or a community or family, then our faith is built on weak foundations. It is based on receiving.

 If your faith is based on receiving, you are living in prostitution because you only want God for what He can give you. True faith is to want to know God and God only, irrespective of the blessings He may or may not pour out on you.

Today reflect on what your faith is based on. Are you built on receiving, or are you built on getting to know Him?