“Therefore, brothers and sisters, since we have boldness to enter the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus  —  he has inaugurated for us a new and living way through the curtain (that is, through his flesh) —  and since we have a great high priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed in pure water. Let us hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, since he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews‬ ‭10:19-23‬ ‭CSB‬‬

In the past week, the author has helped us understand the depth of what the Blood of Jesus does for us. It is gratifying and comforting to know the truth of what we now have. Because of this knowledge, we can now boldly enter the sanctuary of God. Back in the day, only the elect was allowed to enter the sanctuary and allowed that blessed intimacy with God. If people went into the presence without the anointing, they would be cast out, made sick, and the Lord would be against them (2 Chronicles 26:16-21). Only people from the descendants of Aaron and Levi were allowed into that sacred space of intimacy with God. But because we have the Blood of Jesus before us, we can all now boldly enter the sanctuary and experience that intimacy with God.

Our boldness comes because we believe our hearts are now clean from evil and our bodies have been washed in water (Baptism). As a follower of Jesus, you must hold onto your faith in these vital points that your heart has been made pure and you participated in the act of Baptism. The author is now moving us onto a critical step, unwavering faith. The walk with Jesus is not easy, and we can boldly come into the sanctuary with God that strengthens us to endure the trials that will come in the narrow and difficult path that Jesus describes to us (Matthew 7:13-14 & Luke 13:23-25). This narrow path is why we must hold on to the confession of our faith. Our faith is that we believe, understand and have utilised what the Blood of Jesus does for us. Our faith allows us to endure whatever the forces of darkness throw at us. No persecution, worldly desires or temptations of the flesh will change our choice to walk that path with Jesus.

As the author moves us onto a life of faith, today, stop and reflect. What is the truth of your faith? Have you indeed managed to become set free from the sin and corruption of the world? Have you decided to stand on the narrow path, or have you chosen the way with many on it leading to destruction? Are you able to boldly enter the sanctuary of God and drink from the peace and joy that only comes from God? Or do you still hide in shame from God? If you still have not been able to enter His presence boldly, please, my brother and sister, come to Jesus and let Him change your heart and purify you so you can drink from the goodness of God and be set free from the burdens of the world.