“The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. For after he says: This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, the Lord says, I will put my laws on their hearts and write them on their minds, and I will never again remember their sins and their lawless acts. Now where there is forgiveness of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.” Hebrews 10:15-18 CSB
In today’s world, there is a continual hot debate amongst younger people. Apple or Android? People will argue about each operating system until they are blue in the face. There is one thing they can agree on; an apple is not the same as an android. Fundamentally on the surface, they both appear the same and can do the same external things (take photos, make calls, send messages etc.). On the inside and from a programming point of view, they are different. One last thing they would most likely agree on is that the Nokia operating system is well….. Not helpful or great. If you have a Nokia, you will most likely need several other devices such as an mp3 player and sat nav to cover up the multitude of sins found with a Nokia phone.
Before someone is born again, they are a Nokia phone, not helpful, and many things are required to cover up the “sins” of the flawed operating system. But, when you encounter Jesus, He “will put my laws on their hearts and write them on their minds”. Consider this like getting a new operating system. Jesus takes that useless Nokia and puts a great and perfect Apple operating system (we will assume Apple is perfect for argument’s sake). Because the phone has a new operating system, there is no longer a need for those other devices to cover the multitude of errors found in a Nokia. Those errors are now gone forever.
Do you see and understand how our sins are forgiven and Jesus never again remembers them? Because His ways become our mind and His ways are in our heart, there is never a need for a sin sacrifice because now it is not in our nature to sin. We desire to walk in His ways, and it has become our nature, so we no longer need those extra coverings to fill our gaps.
If you are still running on a Nokia operating system, ask Jesus to make you an Apple (or Android if you prefer Android) operating system. Yield to Him and let Him perfect you. Today is the day for your salvation!