“Now everyone who lives on milk is inexperienced with the message about righteousness, because he is an infant. But solid food is for the mature — for those whose senses have been trained to distinguish between good and evil.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭5:13-14‬ ‭

I would like for you to go back in time and remember your childhood. Perhaps when you were nine years old and you were eagerly awaiting turning ten. It was a huge milestone of double numbers and you were stepping into adulthood. At that time in your life, you were eagerly awaiting the days of official adulthood and you just could not wait to stop being a child! You were hungry and thirsty for the freedom that came with being a grown-up…. How little did we know back then! As children, we were inexperienced with the knowledge of how the world works and as much as we thought we could be free, actually, we had little to no chance of survival in the world at such a tender age.

The author here is reminding us of the fact that the readers are inexperienced about righteousness (conformity to the divine will and purpose, thought and action of God) because they are still but babies. As Christians, the first stepping stone in our walk with God is to get to understand the BASIC message of righteousness, which will therefore give us the ability to be trained to distinguish between good and evil. Most people live in this bubble that they are saved and they are good with God, yet they do not even understand the basic steps of righteousness or of knowing God. Do not be deceived my friend, you must grow with God and you must get the basic understanding required in order to mature. Maturity will always lead to you living good and holy lives.

Always remember the path is narrow and hard, and few will find it, and fewer will walk it. Beware of the broad easy wide path with many on it, for it is the path that leads to eternal destruction.