“Although he was the Son, he learned obedience from what he suffered.” Hebrews‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭CSB‬‬

There is an aspect of the walk with God that I am going to pull on today. It is something most people choose to ignore.

Suffering is part of walking with God. It is a non-negotiable within a Christian walk. Giving up the ways of the world, your hopes and dreams and desires is not easy. Jesus tells us we must be willing to give up EVERYTHING in order to gain Him. Jesus also tells us how much more will His servants be persecuted if this is how they treated Him. The letters talk about being counted worthy to suffer for Christ. Suffering is essential to our walk. But if you are still in doubt just look to today’s scripture. Even though Jesus was the Son, He still had to suffer in order to learn true obedience to God.

Today we are counted as God’s children, so if you find yourself in a position of suffering look to the Lord and ask Him what He want to teach you. What parts of your life are you needing to fall into obedience to God’s ways? As Jesus suffered and sacrificed, we too must suffer and sacrifice for we are disciples of Christ which allowed for us to be adopted as God’s children and therefore we will be trained unto obedience to Him.

Today, embrace the suffering, for it is in the suffering that you are being moulded into a good and faithful servant. How I long for the day that Jesus will say to me “Well done my good and faithful servant.”.