Hebrews‬ ‭7:21-22‬ ‭

“But he became a priest with an oath made by the one who said to him: The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind, “You are a priest forever.” Because of this oath, Jesus has also become the guarantee of a better covenant.” ‭‭



The author brings us to Psalm 110:4, where he quotes only the first part of the verse; stop now and read the whole of Psalm 110 (do not worry, it is not long).


Is it not mind-boggling that the Psalmist saw visions of Jesus, and they had such deep relationships with God that they could confidently sing and worship the One who had yet come to die for their sins?


It was through this relationship that they saw Jesus being anointed as the high priest forever. For eternity Jesus is before the wrath and judgement of God, making a petition for us in our weakness because He came into a body just like mine and yours and overcame what we could not. Just contextualise it in your mind for a moment. It would be like the king of the UAE giving up his throne to come and work as someone who cleans the streets. Then through that, he now brings all of the poor and struggling in society to go live in his palace as princes and princesses. Because of that, the king can sympathise with and understand the struggles of people, which is why there is unmerited favour and grace and mercy. This act is what Jesus did but on a grander scale. Because of this, He was able to secure a better covenant, one that now calls us sons and daughters of God!!


Thank you, Jesus, my high priest, my King.