Hebrews‬ ‭1:13-14‬ ‭

“Now to which of the angels has he ever said: Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool? Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve those who are going to inherit salvation? ‭‭

There are sects of Christianity that worship and pray to angels. There are sects of new age religions that also worship and pray to angels. However, the Bible teaches us that Jesus is higher than the angels and because He is higher it is only Him that we should worship and pray to.

Other practices are fundamentally forms of idolatry. The fact that new age religions also pray and worship angels should be alarm bells enough for anyone claiming to be under the salvation of Jesus to stop such practices.

So now that we have gotten that simple aspect out of the way with. Let us dig into understanding this text. Satan tempted Jesus to jump off the top of the temple in the knowledge that angels would be sent to save Him. Satan knows that those who serve the Lord have angels dispatched from the heavens to assist them. Do you know that the Lord our God, also sends angels to serve and support you in the ministry He calls you to?

It is true, me and my wife can personally testify to answered prayers of angelic support when we physically could not endure the physical burdens placed upon us. There are many testimonies of people sharing about angelic support. God uses His army to support and help those who are due to inherit salvation, to help His children.

The question to ponder on today, is your relationship with God strong enough that you can boldly ask Him to send angels to help you? If it is, then today ask Him to send you help. If it is not, then today look to deepen your relationship with God so you can be sure that He will use the forces of heaven to help you.