Hebrews‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭

“…After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”

Stop for a moment and reflect on the fact that Jesus, the Son of God, made purification for sins. What does that even mean? If you break it down into simple terms, it means this. Jesus did something to get rid of the effect of sin. He did this by willingly and freely offering Himself as the sacrifice and payment for sin, in the entire world.

Today, I want us to meditate on the fact that He made purification for sins. The word for purification used in the original letter is ‘καθαρισμός’ or katharismos. It is a word that tells us about being made ritually clean, removing stains of dirt that prevent us from getting before God, and it also links in the full removal of guilt associated with sin.

Now that is a wonderful thought! Jesus, for our sake, removed all aspects and associations of sin from us. There is now no more guilt or shame associated with the sin in our past or current lives (this does not mean we are free to continue in sin as the rest of this letter will clarify!)

As Jesus has done this for us, He now sits at the right hand of God the Father interceding on our behalf so that God does not see our sin, but only sees the perfection of Jesus.

If today you are still riddled with guilt for the sin in your life, turn to the One who paid the ultimate price. Dedicate time every time to get to know Jesus, because once you know Him, He makes sure you know that you have been purified fully from sin and the power sin had over the body.

Thank you Lord, what a wonderful and perfect Savior

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