About us
About us: Eloy & Danielle Rodriguez
About us: Eloy & Danielle RodriguezApostle & Teacher
My name is Eloy and my wife’s name is Danielle. Alongside our fur babies Pablo, Mia, and Batman – we are the Rodriguez’s. Originally raised in the United Kingdom, we moved to Dubai, United Arab Emirates around 2014/2015. I work as a Nutritionist and my wife works as a Behavior Analyst (BCBA). We both separately ended up in the Middle East in 2012 and 2013 respectively by, sheer coincidence. Although looking back now we see God’s hand had been unknowingly weaving our paths all along.

I worked in Kuwait for two years before moving to Dubai and Danielle worked in Bahrain for two years before also moving to Dubai. Although Danielle and I met in 2018, we did not meet our Saviour until August 2019. Again, coincidently, even though met in Dubai, we were born and raised around 30 minutes from each other in the UK (Can you see Gods hand here!)

The story of how our Father pulled us both out of darkness and into His Light is quite a radical and fast paced journey which we openly welcome for you to all learn more about should you desire to. You can find the links below for our testimonies. Danielle is more of a writer and I am more of a talker so you will find that mostly I will upload and discuss content in video form and Danielle will do the writing aspects. Strangely, I’m the bigger reader and Danielle prefers to watch/listen…not sure how that works!

Our aim through Eleutheria Community is to encourage you to deepen and explore your walk with Jesus like never before. We desire to see souls set on fire with love for their Lord like never before; for a generation of true worshippers to rise up. Our heart cry is for many homes to rise up around the Middle East, just like ours, rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. Looking to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, love the broken hearted, teach the lost, and do whatever it takes, even to the cost of our own lives, to see our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters come to faith.

We believe that every denomination from every nation, tribe, and tongue are being called to unify for the Kingdoms cause. Jesus told us that “…the harvest is indeed plentiful, but the labourers are few” (Matthew 9:37). As we write this, amid the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic in April 2020, we are ever more aware that the harvest is certainly ripe.

There are many empty seats at the table and our Father us calling us, His Body, to labour together in sharing His love to those who are in need, those who are hurting, those who are sick, those who are oppressed, and those how have lost their way. We want to close the door to the differences that have been dividing denominations for centuries and usher in the era of unity before Jesus Christ’s return.

We believe that what unifies us – our love for Christ our Saviour – should be larger than what divides us.

Watch our testimony here

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