Evangelism in dubai

Our Strategy

We all have a part to play in the great commission given to us by Jesus (Matthew 28:18-20). Whilst we may not all be called to go out in the streets to preach, or not all called into the ministry of healing and miracles, we will all have a role to play in the great commission.

God created us each uniquely, each members of one body with uniquely different roles to play in the fulfilment of the great commission (1 Corinthians 12). Therefore at Eleutheria Community, we believe in working together as a family, understanding our individual gifts and fostering an environment to nourish and flourish.

At a core, we take Jesus’s teachings at His Word and we do not negotiate with Him. Regardless of what role we individually have to play, we understand that corporately we function as one body (Romans 12:5). So if His Word says that there will be miracles, then we pray for miracles. If His Word says there will be healings we will pray for healings. There is a reason that it is called a simple gospel… Because it is! It is simply just having the faith to believe what Jesus told us.

When Jesus told us that we are commissioned to go and reach the nations and to preach in His power and authority, we stand in faith and believe it. We walk it, we talk it, and most importantly we see it.

We also hold the parable of the good Samaritan close to our heart (Luke 10:25-37). When the Lord leads us to troubled people, we look to show them the love of Christ. Jesus came to bind up the broken hearted and to heal those who were sick (Luke 4:16-19). We look to love our neighbour as ourself  and we treat people as we ourselves wish to be treated (Matthew 22:37-39).

Reaching the nations can be done through so many different means or methods. At Eleutheria Community we look to encapsulate what Jesus taught and to walk in obedience to His ways, loving those around us.