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“Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord!”
Psalm 150:6 NLT

Back in the Old Testament, the people of Israel would go to the temple in Jerusalem to worship Adonai and to offer sacrifices. The temple was the place the Lord’s presence would reside, if the people of Israel followed His ways. However, in the New Testament we read Jesus teaching that a day will come when we would worship in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23). In fact, the Father is looking for those who are wanting to worship Him in this way!!

For us at Eleutheria Community, the most important thing is to sit before God with a correct heart posture (Psalm 24:3-5). When we worship God, we are looking to enter into His manifest presence and have His glory surround us (Exodus 19). When we praise and pray, our only agenda is to see God glorified, to see His manifest presence fall in this place & to be surrounded by His glory. We long for the day when all of creation will bow down before our King, Jesus, and worship Him (Revelations 5:8-14).

So, when we gather to praise God, we do not sit with a pre-planned structure or agenda. Our only plan is to touch the robe of Jesus and let His presence surge through us (Matthew 9:20-22). At Eleutheria Community, our goal is to reach through the distractions of this present world and age that keep us from Him, and wrestle until we touch Him and He blesses us (Genesis 32:22-32). We will be like Isaac and wrestle until we see Gods face. This is why Jacob named the place Peniel, ‘the face of God’.

We will have our Peniel (this is a free copy of a book we highly recommend to help you encounter God personally).
