‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬-‭14‬ ‭

“Therefore, with your minds ready for action, be sober-minded and set your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance.”

Today, Peter reminds us about a vital aspect of walking with God; our born-again experience. Jesus talks about being born again to Nicodemus in John 3. Peter’s letter reminds us of our born-again experience. In verse 14, Peter says, “do not be conformed to the desires of your former ignorance.” through this one statement, he highlights a significant pivotal point in a Christian walk with God.

When we are born again, our hearts and life desires must change. In the timeline of our lives, there should be a clear distinction, a concise moment, from when we went from living for our selfish desires and transformed to living for God. Before I met God, I had urges to own a health and fitness business, and there were ambitions to own a Rolex and sports cars. I desired to own properties so that I could retire young and relax. These were the desires of my former ignorance.

Those earthly ambitions are what Peter is warning about, for when I was born again, I left all of those goals behind and exchanged them for one thing, to live for the glory of God. It is only when you truly let the desires of the flesh die that you can then move on to living a holy life in deep fellowship with God.

If you have reflected and established that you have not had that pivotal point in your life where you turned from living for your selfish desires and exchanged them for living a life that glorifies God, I recommend that you stop and reflect on this scripture and ask God to give you a genuinely repentant heart so that you can turn away from the sins of selfish desires.

If you have established that you have had that pivotal experience, then today, spend time reflecting upon your life. Have you managed to maintain conformity to the mind of Christ, or have old desires managed to slip back into your mind? Those desires of old can attempt to sneak back in, and do not be surprised to see trials come in your life where you may have to reject those things because you see them for what they are; tests to see what is more important to you, the things of the world or obedience to God.

Today, make your minds ready for action and be prepared to step in faith towards living for God. Reject the desires you had before you were born again and make a stand to be wholly dependent on Jesus for all that you need. Choose to live for the glory of God.