‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1‬:‭10‬-‭12‬ 

“Concerning this salvation, the prophets, who prophesied about the grace that would come to you, searched and carefully investigated. They inquired into what time or what circumstances the Spirit of Christ within them was indicating when he testified in advance to the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow. It was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves but you. These things have now been announced to you through those who preached the gospel to you by the Holy Spirit sent from heaven  — angels long to catch a glimpse of these things.”

If we are to believe that we are walking with God and under the Lordship of Christ Jesus, then there is one thing that we all must do. There should be a hunger to devour the Scriptures and to understand the writings of the prophets. They had the Spirit of Christ already living in them; we, through our faith, also have the Spirit of Christ living in us.

If we have the same Spirit living in us, we will be able to understand the prophets, and our lives will have similarities to theirs. The story that comes to mind is Acts 6:26-40, Phillip’s encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch. The Ethiopian man was studying the book of Isaiah, yet he did not have an understanding. He confessed how it was possible to understand unless somebody was to teach him. Phillip, an unlearned man, could explain the Old Testament scriptures to the eunuch to the point that the man decided to be baptised and live for the Lord.

The question now is, can you explain the Old Testament to the end of converting someone? There is an erroneous belief that flats around most Christians that they can live off Bible clips here and there or they only need to read the New Testament. Sadly that is ridiculous. Peter, in his first letter, reminds us that the prophets saw the salvation we can now receive, and we can identify that in their writings.

It is a glorious thought that people thousands of years ago saw, in the Spirit, the redemption available to us. It is also glorious that God almighty preserved their writings as proof of His hand and what He is offering us. It is even more magnificent that through the same Spirit who wrote them, we can now be taught to understand them. It is a beautiful work of the Spirit of God that has offered this salvation and knowledge of Him through the scriptures.

As Christians, there must be a hunger to study the Old Testament. It is in that portion of Scripture that our faith is born, and our salvation is written. If we read and do not understand, we must look to the Holy Spirit to teach us. It is only Him that can truly open our eyes to the Bible. It is a gift that Jesus gives us, and we must ask Him for it. Fundamentally we must remember the New Testament was formed after Jesus and the apostles died. The early church that changed the world lived only on the Old Testament. We, too, must be confident to live off the Old Testament alone.

One final point for you to ponder, this life of holiness that Jesus calls us to is indeed challenging. It is impossible without the help of the Holy Spirit. To have the scriptures unlocked is only possible through Him. To be forgiven is only possible through Him. To be adopted into God’s family is only possible through Him. All that we now have available to us through Him is so wonderful that the angels (who get to see and worship God in the glory!) hope to glimpse what is now available. Just sit on that for today. The gift we now have from God is so unique that the angelic hosts hope to see just a glimpse of what we have available. Do not squander this gift.